Armstrong – Table of Contents

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  1. Armstrong, C., Dengue Fever, Public Health Reports 38: 1750-1784, August 23,

  1. Mandell, Gerald, et al. editors, 2005, Principles and Practices of Infectious
    Diseases, 6th Edition, Elsevier-Churchill, Livingston Inc. London. Earlier editions
    also utilized. Henceforth referred to as “Mandell.”

  2. Armstrong autobiographical notes, loc. cit.

  3. Armstrong, C., “Devil’s Grip” in Virginia. Public Health Reports 38:1964-1965,
    August 24, 1923.

  4. Payne, C. C., and Armstrong, C., Epidemic Transient Diaphragmatic Spasm,
    Disease of Unknown Etiology, Epidemic in Virginia. Journal of the American
    Medical Association 81: 746-748, 1923.

  5. Review Article. Huebner, R. J., Beeman, E. A., Cole, R. M., Beigelman, P. M.,
    and Bell, J. A., The Importance of Coxsackie Viruses in Human Disease,
    particularly Herpangina and Epidemic Pleurodynia. New England Journal of
    Medicine 247: 249-256, 285-289, 1952.

  6. Kibrick S. and Benirschke, K., Acute Aseptic Meningitis and Meningo-
    encephalitis in Newborn Children Infected with Coxsackie Virus Group B Type 3.
    New England Journal of Medicine 255:1883-1889, 1956.

  7. A) Armstrong, C., et al., Commercial Pasteurization. Public Health Bulletin. No.
    147 , 1925. B) Armstrong, C., and Parran, T., Jr., Further Studies on the
    Importance of Milk and Milk Products as a Factor in the Causation of Disease in
    the United States. Supplement No. 62 to the Public Health Reports, 1927.
    C) Armstrong, C., Federal Government Aids States in Insuring Pure Supplies of

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