Armstrong – Table of Contents

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accomplishments of the original investigators and do not record the historical antecedents
of many “routine” day-to-day medical practices and procedures.

Notes – Smallpox Vaccination and Tetanus; Post-vaccination Encephalitis

  1. Armstrong, C.: Tetanus in the United States following the use of bunion pads as
    vaccination dressings. Public Health Reports 40: 1351-1357, June 26, 1925.

  2. Armstrong, C.: Tetanus following vaccination against smallpox and its prevention
    with special reference to the use of vaccination shields and dressings. Public
    Health Reports 42: 3061-3071, December 16, 1927.

  3. Armstrong, C.: Postvaccination tetanus and its prevention. Journal of the
    American Medical Association 90: 738-740, March 10, 1928.

  4. Armstrong, C.: Intradermal (injection) vaccination. Journal of the American
    Medical Association 91: 1530-1531, November 17, 1928.

  5. Armstrong, C.: Vaccination. Hospital Social Service XIX: 390-398, 1928

  6. Armstrong, C.: The role of the vaccination dressing in the production of
    postvaccinal tetanus. Public Health Reports 44: 1871-1884, August 2, 1929.

  7. Armstrong autobiographical notes.

  8. Centers for Disease Control (CDC), Smallpox Vaccine Overview, April 24, 2004.

  9. McCullough, D. John Adams, Simon and Schuster, New York, May 22, 2001.
    David McCullough won the Pulitzer Prize in 2002 for this biography.

  10. Classics of Medicine and Surgery collected by Camac, C. N. B., Dover
    Publications, Inc., New York, Henry Schuman, New York, 1909.Pp: 206-296.

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