Business English for Success

(avery) #1

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  1. Group activity. Working in a small group, select a workplace document or
    academic essay. Examine each paragraph and identify examples of sentence
    variety, coordination and subordination, and parallelism. Then, choose one
    particular paragraph and discuss the following questions:
    o Does the writer use sentence variety effectively?
    o Does the writer connect his or her ideas effectively?
    o Does the writer use subordination and coordination correctly?
    o Does the writer use parallelism to emphasize his or her points?

As a group, identify the weaker areas of the paragraph and rewrite them. Focus
on sentence structure and sentence variation. Use coordinating conjunctions and
subordinating conjunctions to join sentences.

  1. Choose a college essay or a recent piece of writing from your work or everyday
    life. Use the techniques you have learned throughout this chapter to edit your
    writing for sentence variety, appropriate coordination and subordination, and
    parallelism. When you have finished, compare the two versions and write a brief
    analysis of how sentence variety, coordination and subordination, and
    parallelism help refine a piece of writing.


Please share with a classmate and compare your answers.
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