Ifxis empty, this loop should not have any iterations, but it actually
has two, since1:length(x)evaluates to(1,0). We could fix this by writing the
statement as follows:
for (i in seq(x))
To see why this works, let’s do a quick test ofseq():
> x <- c(5,12,13)
[1] 51213
> seq(x)
> x <- NULL
> seq(x)
You can see thatseq(x)gives us the same result as1:length(x)ifxis not
empty, but it correctly evaluates to NULL ifxis empty, resulting in zero iter-
ations in the above loop.
2.4.5 Repeating Vector Constants with rep().............................
Therep()(orrepeat) function allows us to conveniently put the same con-
stant into long vectors. The call form isrep(x,times), which creates a vector
oftimes*length(x)elements—that is,timescopies ofx. Here is an example:
> x <- rep(8,4)
> rep(c(5,12,13),3)
[1] 51213 51213 51213
> rep(1:3,2)
There is also a named argumenteach, with very different behavior, which
interleaves the copies ofx.
> rep(c(5,12,13),each=2)
[1] 5 5 12 12 13 13
34 Chapter 2