The Big Little Book of Magick

(Barry) #1

CANDLES Orange seven-knob candle. Seven straight or
votive candles in each of the following colors: light blue
(inspiration, patience, inner peace) and magenta (fast
action, success). If you cannot find an orange seven-
knob candle, substitute seven orange straights or
votives, one to be burned each day.

OIL Peppermint.
HERBS Ginger or vervain.
INCENSE Ginger or rosemary.
STONES Sard and black obsidian.
TIMING On the full moon or the waxing moon cycle.
DAY Thursday.
ADVICE The definition of success varies from person to
person. Decide what success means to you personally
before you do this spell.

SPELLWORK Light the altar candles and the incense.
Anoint the candles from the wick to the end. Set the
orange seven-knob candle in the center of your altar.
Inscribe "harmony" on the light blue candle and
"success" on the magenta candle. Place the light blue
candle on the left of the seven-knob candle and the
magenta on the right, with the piece of sard in front of
the blue candle and the black obsidian in front of the
magenta. Light the seven-knob candle first, then the
others. After one knob has burned, extinguish all the
candles. Repeat the spell the next day when you again
relight the candles. Say the chant. Allow the seven-knob
candle to burn down one knob, while leaving the other
candles to burn out completely. Dispose of the wax

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