The Big Little Book of Magick

(Barry) #1

HERBS Patchouli.
INCENSE Allspice, cedar, or patchouli.
STONES Bloodstone, black obsidian, and black onyx.
TIMING On the new moon or the waning moon cycle.
DAY Tuesday.
ADVICE This spell should not be used to gain the upper
hand over someone, but rather to sincerely bring peace
and harmony.

SPELLWORK Light the altar candles and the incense. With
the nail, inscribe the names of the quarreling parties on
the black candle and set it in the center of your altar. Be
sure to include your own name if you are involved.
Anoint the black candle from the end to the wick; the
others from the wick to the end. Place the indigo candle
on the left and the silver one on the right. Place the
stones in front of the candles: black obsidian in front of
the black, black onyx in front of the indigo, and the
bloodstone in front of the silver one. Light the black
candle first, then the others. Say the chant. Sit for
several minutes, visualizing the quarreling parties
completely bathed in white light. Leave the candles to
burn out completely. Dispose of the wax afterward.

CHANT Peace, harmony, friendship, and joy.
Only these shall surround you.
Only these shall remain with you.
Peace, harmony, friendship, and joy.
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