The Big Little Book of Magick

(Barry) #1

CANDLES Straight or votive candles in the following
colors: one yellow (intellect, confidence), one orange
(success, energy), and one gold (intuition, fast luck).
OIL Lotus.
INCENSE Sage, acacia, or lotus.
STONES Agate and clear quartz crystal.
OTHER SUPPLIES Small metal cauldron; small piece of


TIMING On the full moon or the waxing moon cycle.
DAY Tuesday.
ADVICE Before doing this ritual, take time to think out
all the possibilities of your decision carefully. Afterward,
you must do everything you can to take action. This
spell will bring you wisdom to help make the correct
decision, not have it made for you.

SPELLWORK Light the altar candles and the incense.
Anoint the candles from the wick to the end. Although
the candle pattern will be a triangular shape, the point
of the triangle will point to the right where the cauldron
sits. Set the gold candle behind the yellow one. Then
place the orange candle to the center right of these
candles. Put the cauldron to the right of the orange
candle. Situate the clear quartz crystal above the
cauldron and the point toward it, the agate below the
cauldron. Write out exactly what decision you need to
make and place the paper inside the cauldron. Light the
gold candle, then the yellow, and finally the orange
candle. Say the chant three times slowly. Light the paper
from the orange candle and drop it into the cauldron to

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