The Big Little Book of Magick

(Barry) #1

expert in the field. At no time should you ever use force
of any kind to exorcise a person or inflict any type of
physical or mental punishment!

SPELLWORK Light the altar candles and the incense.
Using a nail, carve the initials of the troubled person
into the purple seven-knob candle. Anoint it from the
wick to the end and place it in the center of your altar.
Anoint the black candle from the end to the wick; the
others from the wick to the end. Place the black candle
and the black obsidian behind the seven-knob candle,
with the magenta candle and agate on the right side, the
silver candle and the black onyx in front of it, and the
royal blue candle and clear quartz crystal on the left.
Say the chant seven times as you sprinkle the
"possessed" person with the holy water. Even though
this spell may appear to work the first time you do it,
repeat it for the remaining six nights. Each night burn
only one knob of the purple candle. Leave the other
candles to burn out completely, replacing them with
fresh candles each night. Dispose of the wax afterward.
CHANT By the power of Light, I cast out all evil and
By the power of Light, I call upon only goodness to
dwell in this body.

By the power of the Goddess (God), I setyoufree\

Bring Pressure to Bear on an Enemy
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