The Big Little Book of Magick

(Barry) #1

case, you will have difficulty finding the proper coin.
However, it is very unlikely that this will happen.

Have someone hide one coin under a cup in a line of
three cups while you are not watching. Find the coin
with the pendulum. You can do this by holding the
pendulum over each cup as you ask the question, or by
asking the pendulum to indicate which cup in the line
holds the coin. This exercise is preparing you for
learning map dowsing or property dowsing. If you have
trouble finding the coin, hold a coin of similar
denomination in one hand while using the pendulum
with the other. This practice is identical to the method
used by dowsers for finding missing people, water, oil,
or minerals.

The following exercise is very similar to the old parlor
game of Hide the Thimble; a thimble was hidden
somewhere in a room and everyone tried to discover
where it was by a series of questions that were answered
by Hot or Cold. Have a friend choose an object in a
room but not tell you what the object is. Use the
pendulum to discover what the object is. For example,
the friend has chosen a small statue. Begin by asking the

Three Cups and One Coin
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