The Big Little Book of Magick

(Barry) #1
Divining the Future

You have now hopefully worked your way through the
preceding exercises until you are more confident of your
abilities and your pendulum. If you think carefully about
these exercises, you will see the important connection to
divining the future or prediction methods with the
pendulum. The exercises have been teaching you to
explore all possible facets of a question. One question
should lead to another, until you reach a definite
answer. Now you are ready to take the first step into the
psychic area of future predicting.

Before asking the pendulum to answer any question of
a predictive nature, or any question for that matter, you
must formulate that question as clearly as possible, the
shorter the better. Be very certain you do not combine
two questions or ask a question that cannot be answered
with a Yes or a No.

Avoid asking questions out of curiosity or those that
pry into the lives of others. These types of questions are
an invasion of privacy and basically are immoral in
intent. The same applies to questions whose answers
might harm the interests of other people.

Each time before you ask the pendulum to answer the
question, you should have it show you the Yes, No,
Confusion/Wrong Question and Neutral/Search
movements. This reestablishes the code with your
subconscious mind.

After doing this, and before asking a question, you
need to ask the pendulum to clarify some other
important points. Ask "Am I ready to know the answer?"
You might think you want an answer because your left-
brain is pushing to have something resolved. The left-
brain is good at deluding us and pushing issues so they

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