The Big Little Book of Magick

(Barry) #1
Nine Tarot Cards

Do not think about the answer you want or any
answer at all, for that matter. Doing this will interfere
with a truthful reply from the pendulum. Instead, think,
"I wonder what the answer will be." Since the left-brain
always requires something to occupy its attention and
keep it from interfering with the answer from the right-
brain, thinking of such a statement will occupy your left-
brain's time and let the real answer slip through

Perhaps you have so many questions about your
future you cannot decide where to begin. The chart
shown here is a fan chart that can help you choose the
most important aspect of your life to inquire about with
your pendulum. Often the area we think is the most
important to a positive future is not, under the surface,
the correct one at all. If you are elsewhere when asking
this question and do not have access to this book, you
can draw out a circle on a piece of paper and divide it
into four quarters. Label the quarters as physical,
mental, social, and spiritual. Circle dowsing is more
difficult, however, unless you have years of practice.

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