The Big Little Book of Magick

(Barry) #1

SATURN Restrictions and self-limitations; the way you
handle responsibility; your commitment to any person or
goal; tests and lessons; fear; force of circumstances;
discipline; limitations; order; obstacles; authority
conflicts; time; ambition; material status; work; doubt;
repression; responsibility; pessimism.

CHIRON The Wounded Healer; ancestral heritage; the
black sheep or outsider; release and expansion; healing
in a personal and universal sense; self-discovery; the
inner teacher; our contributions to life; finding one's
purpose in life.

URANUS Radical and sudden changes; the intuition; the
degree to which you may or may not separate yourself
from others; change; originality; upheaval; revolution;
inventive; independence; unconventional turn of mind;
disruption; unique; groups; unexpected; erratic; truth;
reform; science; metaphysics; astrology; chaos; outsiders.

NEPTUNE Spiritual; mysterious; mystical; psychic;
delusions; sensitivity; escape; victim; compassion;
suffering; healing; drugs; alcohol; fantasy; dissolving;
confusing; imagination; artistic; visionary; clairvoyant.

PLUTO Transformation; illumination; confrontation;
regenerative forces; destruction; destiny; obsession;
hidden things; birth and rebirth; insight; empowering;
inner truth.

Burning incense many times will change the
vibrations and atmosphere of a room or house. In many
ways this is similar to the art of aromatherapy. Use the
incense fan charts (below) to determine which incense
will be best for you at any given time and for any given

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