The Big Little Book of Magick

(Barry) #1

OPAL Enhances the intuition; balances the emotions;
connects with the higher realms.

PEARL Balances and heals all the chakras; helps in the
search for higher wisdom and truth; absorbs negatives.

PERIDOT Reduces stress; stimulates the mind; opens doors
to opportunities.

PYRITE Increases self-esteem; harmonizes relationships;
strengthens the will.

CLEAR QUARTZ Stimulates thinking; balances and
harmonizes; repels negatives; enhances communications
with the spirit world; helps with psychic powers.

ROSE QUARTZ Heals emotional wounds; releases negative
emotions; breaks up blockages; brings love.

SMOKY QUARTZ Grounds and centers; breaks up
subconscious blockages; strengthens dream messages;
absorbs negatives.

RUBY Removes limitations; spiritual love; wisdom;


SAPPHIRE Wards off poverty; breaks up confusion and
blockages; aids in developing psychic powers.

SODALITE Calms and clears the mind; cuts through
illusions; creates inner harmony.

SUGILITE Balances and heals all the chakras; opens the
mind to higher influences.

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