The Big Little Book of Magick

(Barry) #1

BUFFALO/BISON Working with spirit forces to accomplish
goals; establishing a family; abundance; courage.

BULL Fertility; strength; abundance; protection.

BUTTERFLY Transformation within this life.

CAT Recognizing when to fight and when to retreat;

developing independence.

COYOTE Recognizing and grasping opportunities; unveiling


CROW Boldness and cunning when faced with enemies;
keeping your eyes on your goal; releases painful past

DEER Being alert to danger; developing poise and grace;

abundance; learning from dreams; psychic abilities.

DOG Breaking through illusions to the truth; finding

companionship; protection.

DOLPHIN/PORPOISE Freedom; eloquence; changes; discover
the truth; learning to communicate; harmony; creating
balance in your life.

DRAGON Protection; transformation of your life; spiritual


DRAGONFLY Visions; mystical messages through dreams;

breaking down illusions so the truth may be seen.

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