The Big Little Book of Magick

(Barry) #1

The same applies to the human aura. We are
surrounded by an electromagnetic atmosphere, which
allows us to exist. When this atmosphere becomes fatally
contaminated or destroyed, the body dies. The inner
layers of the aura, the ones closest to the physical body,
are denser than the outer layers. This denseness also
makes the inner layers of the aura easier to detect with
the hands or a pendulum.

Many scientists have studied the existence of the aura
within the last one hundred years or so. Mesmer called it
magnetism, Jussieu the electric fluid, Reichenbach the
odylic flames, de Rochas the exteriorized sensibility, and
Dr. Baraduc the vital rays. The only two scientists,
however, to discover a way to show the aura in scientific
experiments were Dr. Walter Kilner and Dr. Semyon

Just after the turn of the twentieth century, Dr. Kilner,
a British physician and not a psychic, created chemical
dye screens using dicyanin dyes. These screens revealed
the human aura to untrained eyes. He used these screens
to diagnose various physical illnesses and mental
conditions. He was extremely accurate and in 1911
wrote a book on the subject, The Human Atmosphere.
This book is still in print under the title The Aura.
Because what he learned was so unorthodox, Dr. Kilner
was attacked by the medical profession and the hospital
where he worked, and his medical license was revoked.

A weak version of his invention is found today in aura
glasses. Actually, these glasses are nothing more than
dark violet plastic held in a cardboard frame. You can
get the same results with a piece of dark violet
photographic lens plastic held over your eyes. The color
helps to open the Third Eye or brow chakra and makes

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