The Big Little Book of Magick

(Barry) #1

Azurite, lapis lazuli, chrysocolla, turquoise, blue lace
The brow chakra is located in the center of the
forehead, between and just above the eyes. This is also
the area of the psychic Third Eye. Its color is indigo or a
bluish purple; its gland is the pineal. Clear this chakra
for headaches, muscle spasms in the neck and shoulders,
deafness, mental and nervous disorders, pneumonia, eye
and nose disease, hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism,
anxiety, depression, insomnia, Alzheimer's disease,
migraines, strokes, multiple sclerosis, chronic pain, and
lingering negativity of thought. Stones: Sodalite, sugilite,
amethyst, purple fluorite, lapis lazuli.
The crown chakra is located at the top of the head.
Its gland is the pituitary, and its color is violet or white.
Rarely you will see gold in this chakra. Spiritual
awakening in this area will connect the person to the
eighth and ninth chakras, which are associated with
realms of high spiritual growth. Unblock this chakra for
stress, sleep problems, stress diseases, nervousness, low
melatonin secretion, low immunity, diseases of the
physical brain, spiritual imbalances, cataracts, mental
disorders, and tumors and diseases of the scalp, skull,
and brain. Stones: Amethyst, clear quartz; blue, white,
or gold fluorite.
The eighth chakra is the transpersonal chakra,
which lies about eighteen inches above the crown of the
head and is not directly connected with the physical
body. It is a transitional chakra that mediates between
the physical and the spiritual. Its color is pure white or a
flashing of rainbow colors, as seen in a crystal when
exposed to sunlight. No physical diseases are directly
associated with this chakra. However, on rare occasions
you may see a deep spiritual disease here, one that has

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