The Big Little Book of Magick

(Barry) #1

aura. The aura will always reflect a person's habits,
tendencies, emotional moods, and physical condition, as
well as any potential or existing diseases.

Until you have practiced for many years and become
proficient in handling cosmic energy, I do not
recommend touching a patient's body during a healing.
Until you learn how to regulate the flow of energy
through your hands, touching patients' bodies may
transfer the energy too quickly and cause greater
disruption of their aura. Keep your hands two to four
inches away from the body at all times.
Also remember that everything in the universe, even a
single thought, is composed of energy. Therefore,
wherever you place your attention, the cosmic energy
you pull into your hands will follow your thoughts to
that place. This is especially important to know when
working with the aura, for you must direct the universal
energy both with your hands and your thoughts.
There are five main aura disturbances that may cause
health problems: 1) slow leaks, lesions, and tears; 2)
more toxic or negative energy than the aura can process;
3) flares; 4) stagnation of energy in any one place; 5)
collapse of aura areas. All of these disturbances must be
healed and sealed before the patient can recover.

Slow leaks and tears will emit small seepages of
energy. These will feel like moving tingles on the palm
of your power hand. They are usually caused by minor
emotional difficulties or life problems. People may have
many of these little tears during the course of a day, and
most of them seal themselves. However, if a person is
dealing with a major problem or an attitude that may
attract a disease, these unhealed leaks and tears can
allow greater damage to occur.

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