The Big Little Book of Magick

(Barry) #1

FOUR OF SWORDS Rest, recuperation, quiet contemplation,

regrouping of energy.

THE HERMIT Peace in solitude, hidden knowledge brought
to light.

NINE OF CUPS Wishes granted.

six OF SWORDS Journeying away from problems, improved


six OF WANDS Victory.

THE STAR Balance and harmony, peace, spiritual

STRENGTH Inner control of emotions and problems,
harnessing inner strength.

THE SUN Good health, enlightenment, healing.

TEMPERANCE Brings harmony, balance, and tranquility.

TEN OF CUPS Joy and contentment, complete happiness,

permanent success.

Healing Stones

AGATE, RED This stone brings peace and calmness, and aids

in healing blood diseases.

AMBER This stone soothes and heals. It increases the

strength of your healing spells and meditations.

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