The Big Little Book of Magick

(Barry) #1

Certain vowels and consonants historically have been
linked to certain results. These vowels and consonants
are known to all cultures and are in all languages. If you
aren't comfortable with the mantras given later in this
section, at least use the vowels and consonants. The
following sounds can help with healing.

A The a sound, as in "ahh," can help with depression. It
also helps the body assimilate more oxygen, which
causes the brain to release endorphins, substances that
aid in natural pain control.

LONGE The long e sound, as in "emit" or "feel," stimulates
the pineal gland and arouses the body's energies.

SHORT E The short e, as in "echo," affects the thyroid
gland, increasing the metabolism and secretion of
hormones. This is useful for patients who have lost their
appetites and aren't eating properly.

LONG o The long o, as in "ocean," can be used to control
sugar cravings, for it stimulates the pancreas. This sound
will also help create a connection between the toner and
the environment.

DOUBLE o Intone the oo sound, as in "tool," to stimulate
the spleen. This stimulation will build the immune
system. It also aids in bridging the conscious and
subconscious minds.

MMM The MMM sound is connected with the Goddess.
Today, Her counterpart in orthodox religion is the
Virgin Mary. This sound, when vibrated through the
physical body into the astral body, will create balance
on all levels.

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