The Big Little Book of Magick

(Barry) #1

violet, purple, turquoise, or dark blue. Friday is Venus's
day, or green or pink. Saturday is Saturn's day, or dark
purple or indigo.

You can charge your elixirs with greater power by
using tuning forks (see this page). When the elixir is
finished, and you have poured it into the properly
labeled bottle for storage, strike the appropriate tuning
fork and hold it close to the bottle.

The following list will help you decide which tuning
fork to use.

MIDDLE c Red, magenta

D Orange

E Yellow, lemon, gold

F Green, pink

G Blue

A Indigo, turquoise

B Violet, purple

HIGHER c White and clear quartz crystal elixirs only (see

Gem Elixirs on this page)

Color Healing

The following list of colors will help you determine
which colors you should use for certain diseases or
illnesses. Frequently, more than one color can be used
for healing a specific disease. In this case, choose the
color that your intuition says is best or treat the patient

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