The Big Little Book of Magick

(Barry) #1

CRICKET This represents good luck.

CROSS The equal-armed cross is an ancient sun symbol of


DJED This amulet was connected with the power of the
Egyptian God Osiris, and was worn only by the dead to
assure stability of the afterlife. Although sometimes this
object is said to be a symbol of the tree in which the
body of Osiris was hidden, it is more likely that this
represents the backbone of the God Osiris. The four
crossbars represent the four cardinal directions. In
modern terms, the djed can be used to give strength to
the backbone or spine.

DOG This amulet is a warning image against evil.

EAGLE This ancient symbol of the Sun God gives vitality
and strength. The eagle was also considered to be a
messenger from the gods to humans.

ELEPHANT To the Hindus, this emblem represented the
elephant-headed God Ganesha, who removed all
obstacles and difficulties.

EYE OF HORUS The ancient word for this amulet was utchat
or udjat. It symbolized the all-seeing eyes of the god
Horus and ensured good health. The eyes of Horus were
considered to be the sun and the moon. It was made of
silver, gold, hematite, carnelian, or lapis lazuli. The
udjat can give the wearer good health and physical

FAIRY This represents unexpected help from the

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