The Big Little Book of Magick

(Barry) #1
Water Healing

For a charm that uses the power of Water, get a small
piece of wood that will float, like a Popsicle stick. Write
on it every illness you have. Hold it in your hands and
visualize your sicknesses going into the stick. Chant:

All illnesses float away from me. This is my will. So shall it be.

Place the stick in moving water and let it carry away
your illnesses.

Tree Healing

Many cultures believe that trees have magickal power,
particularly in curing illnesses. One only has to visit
sacred wells in Ireland and other countries to see that
people still believe in this. The shrubs and trees around
these wells are frequently decorated with colored strings
and ribbons, each denoting a supplicant who wishes to
be healed.

Here is one sample of a tree healing. Tie a piece of red
thread, string, or yarn loosely around the patient's wrist
at bedtime. Leave it on all night. The next morning, take
the thread and tie it around a tree or tree branch.
Tradition says the illness will pass into the tree and then
into the earth, where it will be destroyed.

Another ancient tree healing is simple. Find a tree that
you can easily stand against without hitting your head
on branches. Circle the tree clockwise nine times,

Round, and round this tree I walk, in search of healing old and deep.
O tree of healing cure my body. Take thou my illnesses and them
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