Optimise battery charging
The two worst states for a battery are
0% and 100% and they should be
avoided. Many people charge their
phone overnight, which keeps it at
100% for several hours. Mimic iOS 13’s
new optimised charging by charging
to 80% before bedtime, unplugging it
overnight, then topping it up to 100% in
the morning before leaving home.
Knowledge base
Get iOS 13 features now!
pple has given us a preview of what to expect in iOS
13 whichis beingreleasedlaterthisyear.It contains
swipe-to-typekeyboards.Byaddinga fewfreeappstoyour
iPhone,youcanhavesomeof thefeaturesof iOS 13 onyouriOS
devicesrightnow.Whywait?Appleis buildingnewfeaturesinto
iPhonelooklikeiOS 13 tofoolyourfriends!
New features are coming to iOS 13, but don’t wait for
Apple, get them on your iPhone now
As well as getting iOS 13 functionality from third-party
apps, you can also download the latest wallpapers...
iOS 13 features
Add iPhone features that mimic iOS 13
Predictive text
Improvements to
predictive text in iOS 13
will make typing easier,
especially when using
QuickPath. Look here and
tap the word you want.
This isn’t QuickPath
here though – it is the
SwiftKey keyboard.
Swipe to type
QuickPath in the iOS 13
keyboard enables words to
be entered by sliding a finger
around the keyboard from
letter to letter without lifting.
To get that feature now, install
the SwiftKey keyboard.
Until Reminders gets a huge
upgrade in iOS 13, you might
want to use Todoist, which
has a lot of the new features,
like smart lists – different
ways to list tasks that are due.
Priority flags
Priority settings and different
coloured flags are coming to
apps in iOS 13, but Todoist
already has them. Set a task’s
priority with a coloured flag.
Red is most important.