The Dating Black book

(Dana P.) #1
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Kama Sutra eventually. (This does not mean, however, to deprive her of an orgasm. Be
restrained, not selfish.)

NLP - ANCHORING - SEDUCTION TECHNIQUES - ACCELERATORS...............................................................

Many seduction techniques have their roots in NLP, or neuro-linguistic programming.
There are many facets to this study, and these methods are commonly used in the speed
seduction programs available. Much of the theory relies on the assumption that we link
physiological and mental states with the words that we use to communicate and think. Many
words we use are charged, and almost all elicit responses, both emotionally and physically.
Some even float along on the layer of almost subliminal awareness where suggestion can be

But since we’re discussing touch, we will hone this topic to anchoring, which comes from
the science of NLP. Anchoring is the process of associating an internal response with some
external trigger. We have examples of this kind of simple conditioning you can observe in
everyday life.

Think about a particular touch that someone gave you when you were growing up. For
me, it was having my face pinched by my dad. It made me feel like a little kid, and I hated it.
Later in life, I found that when a particular girlfriend pinched my cheeks in almost the exact
same way, the same feelings washed over me. It was like being regressed to a ten-year-old all
over again. You have the ability to create these anchors both in yourself, as well as another

To anchor a feeling to someone, you have to create an experience for her that is positive
and then link it to a kino touch. Perhaps it’s just the comfortable feeling you have when you and
she are talking. If you can use words that elicit emotional and charged responses from her, you
can then rub her palm with your thumb as you hold her hand. This has to be repeated many
times to become associated, but then when you’ve done it enough, you can just rub her palm
and evoke some of those same feelings. It helps to engage more than one sense in this to
create a fully enveloping experience for her. The more vivid, the more effective.

Note that most people already have these built-in, and it’s far easier (in my experience)
to tap into their existing patterns. Observe how she touches herself, or talk about situations
where she feels safe and secure and sensual. Watch her stance and the way she holds her
body, as this will clue you into her patterns. She already has sensitive zones that work, and all
you need to do is find them.

In keeping with the flexibility stressed earlier, be aware that every so often you will click
with someone, and she’ll be all over you like a cheap suit. When this happens, be flexible to find
out what brings you results, or to accelerate the pace. If your goal is to get her into bed, you
may have to be a bit more touchy-feely to engage her on a sensual level. Simply think of your

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