The Dating Black book

(Dana P.) #1
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  • Announce your “arrival” for her so that she can decide what to do about it. If she
    swallows, you’re in the clear, but if she doesn’t, you have to respect that. Most men
    don’t like it when she doesn’t swallow, since it implies that she isn’t accepting you on
    some level - it’s a rejection. There are a lot of reasons for her not doing it initially,
    though, so be aware. She may not want to swallow until more trust has developed,
    she may be afraid of disease, or she may hate the taste, etc. When you know the
    reason, you can make a better decision as to whether this is acceptable.

If a woman will not give you any kind of oral sex, you have a right to find out why. Make
sure you’ve set a precedent of giving first and showing her that you are willing to go south
before you make any decisions. I personally will not accept a relationship with a woman who is
not willing to give as good as she gets. It’s not selfish; it’s just my requirement for reciprocation.
And I’ve found most women who absolutely refuse to give oral sex usually to be slightly sexually
damaged in some way.

Again, guys love the thought of them, and women are initially repulsed (even if they
would otherwise entertain the notion later, after trust has been established.) I don’t know what to
tell you here, other than if you are looking for this kind of experience early on, you’ll have to find
a woman with a very open-minded and hearty sex drive willing to indulge you. I believe sex is
challenging enough without making it even more intimidating having to perform for two, but it
can be interesting with the right combination. Beware the emotional involvement and feelings
that could emerge from this situation, especially if your lady agrees to do this but with some
hesitation. Jealousy runs deep and cold in the ocean of her heart.

Be careful, don’t cause any lasting hurt or damage. And always have a "safe word,"
something you say to end the fantasy without going too far.
Enough said.

The Extreme Female Sex Types

  • The Porn Star: She wants to do everything under the sun, and owns toys that would
    intimidate a hooker. Her screams of ecstasy shatter crystal. She’s unbelievable in
    bed (or in a car, or on a train, or in an alley, or your front lawn, or ...) If you can
    handle the eventual jealousy and inadequacy you’ll experience (and the claw marks
    on your back), she’s fantastic. Just watch for her wanderlust, because when she’s
    through with you, it’s on to happier hunting grounds.

  • The Nympho: Not to be confused with the Porn Star, this gal has a huge sexual
    appetite, wanting it more than even you can give it. Not a real problem unless you

LoserBoy: Heheh...
Cool! Two on one!
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