Strategic Marketing: Planning and Control, Third Edition

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Diffenbach, J., Corporate environmental analysis in large US corporations, Long
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Drucker, P., Managing in Turbulent Societies, Heinemann, London, 1980.
Galer, G., Shell Group Planning, in Mercer, D. (ed.), Marketing Strategy: The
Challenge of the External Environment, Sage, London, 1998.
Hartley, L. P., The Go-Between, Hamish Hamilton, London, 1953.
Janis, I. L., Victims of Group Think, Houghton Mifflin, Boston, 1972.
Janis, I. L. and Mann, I., Decision Making: A psychological Analysis of Conflict, Choice
and Commitment, 2nd edn, Free Press, New York, 1982.
Makridakis, S. and Wheelwright, S. C., Forecasting Methods for Management, 5th
edn, Wiley, New York, 1989.
Mentzer, J. T. and Cox, J. E., Familiarity application and performance of sales fore-
casting techniques, Journal of Forecasting, 3 , 1984, 27–36.
Piercy, N., Market-Led Strategic Change, 2nd edn, Butterworth-Heinemann, Oxford,
Sathe, V., Culture and Related Corporate Realities, Irwin, Homewood, IL, 1988.
The Copenhagen Institute for Future Studies (CIFS), Creative Man, Gyldendal,
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Van Der Heijden, K., The Art of Strategic Conversation, Wiley, New York, 1997.
Wack, P., Scenarios: shooting the rapids, Harvard Business Review, November/
December, 1985, 139–150.

■ Further reading

Mercer, D., Marketing Strategy: The Challenge of the External Environment, Chapters
2, 5–8, Open University/Sage, London, 1998.
Piercy, N., Market-Led Strategic Change, 2nd edn, Chapter 10, Butterworth-
Heinemann, Oxford, 1997.

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