Strategic Marketing: Planning and Control, Third Edition

(Wang) #1
loyalty, 295, 297
misunderstandings, 297
recovery, 320
relationships, 300
retaining customers, 296
rewarding, 320
strategy vs. operations, 299

Dalrymple, 115
Dasani, 221
Database marketing, 297
Database mining, 299
Davidson, 97, 98, 157, 172, 183, 185,
199, 200, 216
Daz, 202
De Mooij and Keegan, 53
Decision making unit (DMU), 73, 265
Decline, 170
Defensive strategies, 162
Delegation, 269
Dell Computers, 223
Deming Cycle, 287
Deregulation, 269
Diffenbach, 21, 112, 113
Differentiation, 152, 153, 158
Dissemination, 43
Diversification, 167
Divine Chocolate Ltd, 64
Doyle, 49, 247
Drucker, 111, 141
Drummond and Ensor, 136
DSL International, 7
Duch, 321
Dyson, 98

Easyjet, 30
Ecocover, 189
Economy of scale, 153
Egg, 160
Encirclement attack, 163
Ensor and Laing, 59
Eos, 191
Ericsson, 269
Esso, 190
e-tailer, 155
Ethical Consumer magazine, 310
Ethical decision making, 305
Ethical frameworks, deontological,
teleological or consequentialist, 307
virtue, 309
Euro-consumer, 66, 67

Euro-fighter, 233
Exit strategy, 174
Experience and value effects, 158
Experience curve, 159
Exploratory research, 225

Fact, 42
Fairtrade, 13, 64
Family life cycle, contemporary, 59
modernised, 61
Family Policy Studies Centre, 60
Ferrari, 29
Feyenoord, 296
First Choice, 30
Flank attack, 163
Flank defence, 165
Flybe, 30
Ford, 203, 209
Forecasting, 220
consensus forecasting, 115
delphi forecast, 117
intuitive forecasting, 114
jury forecasting, 115
modelling, 114
scenario planning, 119
techniques, 113
Formulation of strategy, 14
Foss and Stone, 295
Foyles, 191
Frawley, 299
Freud’s theory of motivation, 54
Friedman, 305
Frontal attack, 163
Fulmer and Goodwin, 156

Galer, 122
Gap analysis, 146, 244
Gap, 200
Gatekeeper, 265
Generic strategies, 152, 158
Gillette, 197
Gilligan, 310, 312
Globalisation, 39, 232
Google, 44
Gortex, 194
Green, 137
Greenpeace, 25
Gross profit margin, 282
Group need, 259
Group-4, 234
Groupthink, 115
Guerrilla attack, 163

Index 327
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