Strategic Marketing: Planning and Control, Third Edition

(Wang) #1
This model allows an organisation to identify the major forces that are
present in the industry sector. This can be related to the critical factors
that were identified by the PEST analysis. Several issues then need to be

● What is the likelihood that the nature of the relationships identified
by the ‘five forces’ model will change given the trends in the exter-
nal environment? Are there ways of benefiting from these potential
● What actions can the organisation undertake that will improve its
position against the current forces in the industry? Can the company
increase its power, relative to suppliers or buyers? Can actions be
taken to reduce competitive rivalry, or are there ways of building bar-
riers to dissuade companies from considering entering the industry?
Are there ways of making substitute products less attractive?
● The organisation will also need to consider their competitors. Given the
forces in the industry, what is the relative position of the organisation’s
rivals. Do conditions favour one particular operator? Could conditions

28 Strategic Marketing: Planning and Control




Competitiverivalry Buyers

Figure 2.4
The five forces
model (Source:
Adapted from
Porter, 1980)

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