Leading with NLP

(coco) #1
On the Road 93

are presently working in a company run on command and
control lines. No good deed goes unpunished in these sorts
of organizations! You will also have to overcome weaknesses
in yourself and to develop new resources, just like a hero in
a story. Overcoming these weaknesses is the main step in be-
coming a leader. How might you keep the advantages of your
present situation and still develop yourself as a leader?
In general, the fear of change comes in two flavours:

1 The understandable fear of success – new problems,
new challenges, no old certainties. I think our school-
days also make us wary of success. Success in a school
examination brings the reward of – being eligible to take
another, even harder examination! When are the exami-
nations really over? Only when you decide they are.
2 Success puts your head above the parapet. You become
a target for the envy of those less successful than you.
So you need to plan for success just as you need to plan
against failure.

These are real dangers that you need to think about. The
other fear, of course, equally understandable, is the fear of
failure. Failure may be something that you are already
painfully familiar with.

Turning Past Failure into Present Success

You may have tried to make changes in the past and
been unsuccessful. So they seem even less attractive
now. Perhaps that was not the right time, but the old
memory still has an effect. Now you can heal the

Think back to the time when you tried to make a
change that failed. See yourself at the time. What were
you trying to achieve?
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