Leading with NLP

(coco) #1

How often is it changed?
Is it open to feedback?

In your personal life, when you are not sure what to do, do
you tend to ask yourself, ‘Am I allowed to do that?’ or do you
ask yourself, ‘Is that forbidden?’ The first question comes
from Roman law, the second from common law.
Instead of saying to yourself, ‘I can’t do that,’ ask yourself,
‘Why can’t I do that?’

Roman law Common law
Prohibits what it does not Allows what it does not prohibit
Practice constrained by Rules constrained by practice
Stifles innovation Encourages innovation
Sets boundaries on your Sets boundaries on your
freedom constraints
Encourages administrators Encourages leaders
Discourages trust Encourages trust
Sets the means to achieve Sets the goals – the means are
goals open
Looks to the past to Looks to the present and future
validate action
Not open to current Open to feedback from current
practice feedback
Needs informal practice to What you see is what you get
be workable
Increasing number of
rules and amendments Rules change, the number of
to rules rules is fairly constant

126 Leading with NLP

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