Leading with NLP

(coco) #1
Games and Guardians 145

isolation. A man who trusts no one is likely to be a man
whom no one trusts. But if you trust yourself then others will
trust you.
The following exercises will help you clarify some of your
attitudes towards trust.

Trust and Values

How do you decide whom to trust?
How do you decide when to trust?
What rules do you have about whom you trust and
whom you do not?
What are your value equivalents of trust – what does
someone have to do in order to be trustworthy and
what do they have to do to become untrustworthy?
Do you treat people as basically trustworthy unless you
have evidence otherwise or do you treat people as
basically untrustworthy unless you have evidence to
the contrary?
What evidence do you need?
Do you need to see it with your own eyes?
Do you believe people are trustworthy if others say so
and if so, whose word do you trust?
Do you pay attention to particular neurological levels?
Are there certain environments you trust and others
you do not trust?
Do you trust people from some environments and not
Do you trust a person in one context but not another?
Do you decide people are trustworthy by what they do,
regardless of where they are or whom they are with?
Do you pay the most attention to a person’s beliefs
and values before deciding whether they are trust-
worthy or do you pay the most attention to the kind
of person they are?
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