Leading with NLP

(coco) #1
Starting the Journey 11

are based on connecting with others, so they can develop
your ideas and make them even more valuable. In the knowl-
edge field, the more people use your ideas, the more
valuable they become. Apple succeeded all too well at keep-
ing control of their ideas and thereby limiting their spread.
The prize was hollow, because its value declined. Strategic
decisions about what to license were being made by the
engineers, who did not have the strategic vision to see where
the market was heading. If ever there was a place to apply the
saying ‘a leader sees where everyone else is going and gets in
front of them’, this was it. Apple saw where everyone else was
going and stayed put where they were, believing that others
would have to come back to them. No one had to because
they were on their own. They recapitulated the error of Sony
in the 1980s with their videocassette technology called Beta-
max. It was generally seen to be superior to its rival VHS, but
Betamax was a closed standard and VHS an open one. VHS
became dominant in the industry and Betamax faded.

sharing your vision

So, not only do you need a good road map when you lead or
follow a vision, but you must also allow your experiences and
observations to refine it as you go along, and you must
be able to share it with others. A leader creates a vision with
others, or shares their own with others, and inspires them.
A shared vision takes shape.
While ‘a shared vision’ sounds rather grand, the vision
itself can be as splendid or as modest as you like. It does,
however, have to be achievable, worthwhile and inspiring,
first for yourself, and if you want to be a leader, for others
too. If it inspires you alone, then you are at best a visionary
and at worst a crank or an eccentric.
How do you make your a vision practical and achievable?
First it has to be elaborated, refined and made more specific.
Consider the following questions:

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