Leading with NLP

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16 Leading with NLP

takes to achieve, the further away we represent it, and
the further away, the smaller it seems. The smaller it
seems, the less motivating and the less real it may feel,
so why bother to start? Perspective is governed by an in-
verse square law. In other words, if you retreat to twice
the distance from an object, it does not seem to become
half the size, it becomes a quarter of the size – the size
varies as a square of the distance. So the attraction a
goal has for you will vary tremendously depending on
whereabouts you put it in your mental field. A small dis-
tance can make a big difference.

Try this thought experiment. Think of something
important you want to achieve in your personal or pro-
fessional life. Imagine it in your mind. Make a picture
of it.

Whereabouts in space is your mental picture? For ex-
ample, it may be directly in front of you or to one
side. You may be looking up at it or down on it.
How far away is it? Is it within arm’s reach or further?
How long do you expect it will take to achieve?
Experiment by moving it further away. How do you
feel about it now?
Does it seem more or less attractive?
Does it get smaller, larger or stay the same size as you
move it further away?
Does the distance correspond to how much time you
think it will take to achieve it?
Does it seem as though the further away it is, the
further in the future it is?
Move it so far away that you can hardly see it. How do
you feel about it now? Still motivated?
Now move it closer.
How does that change it?
Does it seem more attractive?
Does it get bigger, smaller or stay the same as you
move it towards you?
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