Leading with NLP

(coco) #1

52 Leading with NLP

Say, ‘Leadership is important.’ How do you feel about
that statement?
Say, ‘It is important that I am a leader.’ How do you
feel about that statement?

Do you think of yourself as a leader already?
What is it like to think of yourself as a leader?
How does being a leader fit with the sort of person
you are?
Say to yourself, ‘I am a leader.’ How do you feel about
this statement?
What sort of leaders do you understand best?

Connections and Community
Make up a relationship and network list. Imagine your-
self in the middle of a space that contains all your
relationships. Imagine all the people you know, friends,
family, colleagues and acquaintances filling that space.^3

Who is near you?
Your family will probably be closest. As you look
beyond them, who do you see? Your close friends?
Look further. There will be many people you have
known and have lost contact with, from school, college
or previous places you have lived. You may have
friends you know from e-mail but have never met.
How does it feel to be a leader in this community?

How does being a leader fit into your spiritual life?
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