Leading with NLP

(coco) #1
Vision and Values 59

Are there are more ways to violate your values than
ways to meet them? If your values are difficult to
meet, it would be very hard for you to be satisfied,
as you have many more opportunities to feel bad
than to feel good.
Alternatively, are there more ways for your values to be
met than violated? If so, it would be easy to meet
your values and you would have many more oppor-
tunities to feel good.

Now you have your values and the corresponding rules that
let you know they have been met, think about your goals.
What do you want? It’s your life. Is it leading you anywhere?

Personal Leadership Exercise 3:Your Goals

Take the five areas of your life (personal development,
work, relationships, leisure and health) and write down
the three or four main goals you have for each area.
Have a mixture of long-term goals (10 years or more in
the future), medium-term goals (5–10 years) and short-
term goals (the next 5 years).
Put down exactly what you want in the best of all pos-
sible worlds. Do not let your thinking be chained by
what is happening now.

How you will know when you have achieved these
What will happen, what will you be seeing, hearing
and feeling, when you achieve these goals?
Now think about each goal in turn. How far away do
they seem to be? Some may seem quite close. Others
will seem a long way away.
Do you have goals at different distances?
How do you feel about the near goals and the far goals?
How does the distance of the goals affect how
motivated you feel about achieving them?
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