Leading with NLP

(coco) #1
Vision and Values 61

What would it be like looking back knowing you had
achieved these things?
You are wandering on the seashore, digging your toes
in the hot sand, thinking of nothing in particular, when
you see an ornate bottle of coloured glassy material
being washed up by the waves. It has a strange device on
the stopper. You stop, rescue it from the water, pull out
the stopper and, you’ve guessed it, a towering genie co-
alesces from the smoke. What are your three wishes?
The genie says that he cannot grant them immedi-
ately, but you will get them eventually. What do you
want to accomplish? Quick! The genie is starting to
dissolve already...

organizational vision

Leadership starts with your personal vision, but the same
process applies in organizational leadership. Here you have
to create a vision for the organization. It belongs to every-
one, but no one exclusively; everyone has to work together
to achieve it. Vision is always greater than you can accom-
plish on your own. It will be inclusive rather than exclusive;
it will unite people, not restrict them.
Developing an organizational vision also involves being
clear about values, goals and objectives, and also must in-
clude a competitive strategy.
Personal vision answers three questions:

What do I want to accomplish?
How do I want to accomplish it?
What is important to me?

Organizational vision must answer some slightly different

What are we trying to accomplish?
What are our values?

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