Wealth Without a Job: The Entrepreneur's Guide to Freedom and Security Beyond the 9 to 5 Lifestyle

(Barry) #1
Power Affirmations Method requires your willingness to see things
differently. Insisting on the absolute truth of “(I am always broke)”
will cause your creative thinking to continue manifesting that ex-
perience. What you focus on in life is what you receive. By ques-
tioning the validity of your thinking at an absolute level, you can
see things differently.
“I can’t” is the verbal expression of the sensation of helplessness.
Humans have limits. There are things we cannot do. However,
many of the things about which you think “I can’t” are not only hu-
manly possible, but things that other people do every day. You may
have to pay closer attention to your thoughts and language to de-
tect the “I can’t.” “I can’t” is almost never true. If you catch yourself
thinking “I can’t,” and change it to “I won’t,” then ask yourself
whether the statement is true. This may seem like a small distinc-
tion, but “I won’t” returns the power of choice about your behavior
to you. Just because you feelhelpless does not mean that you are
helpless. Remember:

Helplessness is a feeling, not a condition.
Therefore, it is temporary.
An astounding truth about helplessness is this:
Helplessness leads to power.

When a Response to Your Affirmation Doesn’t Appear

Writing affirmations facilitates positive change in your reality. Your
external reality is a reflection of your thinking. If you want some-
thing different from what you have, then the thoughts that created
what you have now must be resident somewhere in your conscious-
ness, even though you may be unaware of them. To change what
you have, you must identify and change the specific thoughts that
created the status quo.
Your mind may not willingly (at least at first) tell you what it has
been thinking to create the status quo. Perhaps your mind desires
to maintain the status quo because there is fear of change. Or per-
haps your mind believes it is protecting you from an uncomfortable
memory, some past upset or negative feelings, by not letting you
know what is there. Obviously, some thought in your consciousness
is in opposition to the affirmation; if it were not, the change you de-
sire would have already occurred. So if you can’t come up with a re-

168 Mental Flexibility for Peak Performance

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