Microsoft Word - iOSAppReverseEngineering.docx

(Romina) #1
(lldb) po [$r0 detailTextLabel]
<UITableViewLabel: 0x15fb5590; frame = (0 0; 0 0); text = ‘+86PhoneNumber’;
userInteractionEnabled = NO; layer = <_UILabelLayer: 0x15fd87e0>>

It’ s worth mentioning that the 1st argument of objc_msgSendSuper2 is not an Objective-C

object. I’m not sure whether it is a bug of LLDB or it is the actual case. Anyway, it doesn’t

influence our analysis, just ignore it for now. If you’re really interested in this detail, you are

welcome to share your research on

Back on track, the output of LLDB indicates that the return value of objc_msgSendSuper2 is

an initialized cell, which contains my number already. Similar to what happened in the last

section, let’s check out the implementation of tableView:cellForRowAtIndexPath: in

PhoneSettingsController’s superclass. First of all let’s figure out who’s the superclass in


@interface PhoneSettingsController : PhoneSettingsListController

PhoneSettingsController inherits from PhoneSettingsListController, so open

PhoneSettingsListController.h to check out if it implements


@interface PhoneSettingsListController : PSListController

  • (id)bundle;

  • (void)dealloc;

  • (id)init;

  • (void)pushController:(Class)arg1 specifier:(id)arg2;

  • (id)setCellEnabled:(BOOL)arg1 atIndex:(unsigned int)arg2;

  • (id)setCellLoading:(BOOL)arg1 atIndex:(unsigned int)arg2;

  • (id)setControlEnabled:(BOOL)arg1 atIndex:(unsigned int)arg2;

  • (id)sheetSpecifierWithTitle:(id)arg1 controller:(Class)arg2 detail:(Class)arg3;

  • (void)simRemoved:(id)arg1;

  • (id)specifiers;

  • (void)updateCellStates;

  • (void)viewWillAppear:(BOOL)arg1;


PhoneSettingsListController doesn’t implement tableView:cellForRowAtIndexPath:, so just

proceed to its superclass PSListController. The class PSListController is no longer inside

MobilePhoneSettings.bundle, so let’s search it in all class-dump headers, as shown in figure 6-31.

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