Microsoft Word - iOSAppReverseEngineering.docx

(Romina) #1

Practice 2: Mark user specific emails as read automatically

8.1 Mail

Email is one of the most popular communication channels in the era of Internet. Many

people send and receive emails every day. Although there are lots of good email Apps on

AppStore, such as Sparrow, Inbox, etc, they are not as highly integrated as the stock Mail App

(hereafter referred to as Mail). Therefore, Mail is still the top choice during my daily life.

Among all emails we receive every day, most of them are valueless subscription emails like

notifications and advertisements, which comes from our inadvertently clicks of subscriptions on

various websites, as shown in figure 8-1.

Figure 8- 1 Mail

These emails always make me entangled. If we are kind enough to not think of them as

spam messages, they are actually distracting our attention. However, if we mark them as spam


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