Microsoft Word - iOSAppReverseEngineering.docx

(Romina) #1

the former is text and the latter is an icon. They are in different forms and looks inharmonious.

Therefore, we can see the left bottom corner is not suitable for text button. How about

changing it to an icon? The problem is that there isn’t an accustomed icon to represent whitelist,

while a random one may cause confusion. So in this view, no matter icon or text we use, we

cannot get both understandability and harmony. Let’s click “Mailboxes” and go to the upper

view, as shown in figure 8-5.

Figure 8- 5 Mailboxes

The top left and bottom left areas are both empty, as shown in figure 8-5. The bottom left is

not suitable for the whitelist button as we’ve discussed just now. So let’s put the button on top

left corner to see how it looks, as shown in figure 8-6.

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