Microsoft Word - iOSAppReverseEngineering.docx

(Romina) #1

We can see the ASLR offset is 0x000b2000. Then drag and drop MobileMail into IDA and

after the initial analysis has been finished, check the base addresses of

[MailboxContentViewController megaMallDidLoadMessages:],

[MailboxContentViewController megaMallFinishedFetch:] and

[MailboxContentViewController megaMallMessageCountChanged:], as shown in figure 8-13, 8-

14 and 8-15.

Figure 8- 12 [MailboxContentViewController megaMallDidLoadMessages:]

Figure 8- 13 [MailboxContentViewController megaMallFinishedFetch:]

Figure 8- 14 [MailboxContentViewController megaMallMessageCountChanged:]

Their base addresses are 0x3dce0, 0x3d860 and 0x3de48 respectively. Set breakpoints on

these addresses with LLDB and refresh the inbox to trigger the breakpoints:

(lldb) br s –a ‘0x000b2000+0x3dce0’
Breakpoint 1: where = MobileMail`___lldb_unnamed_function992$$MobileMail, address =
(lldb) br s -a ‘0x000b2000+0x3d860’
Breakpoint 2: where = MobileMail`___lldb_unnamed_function987$$MobileMail, address =
(lldb) br s -a ‘0x000b2000+0x3de48’
Breakpoint 3: where = MobileMail`___lldb_unnamed_function993$$MobileMail, address =

Some of you may meet the same problem as me, which is none of three breakpoints get

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