Microsoft Word - iOSAppReverseEngineering.docx

(Romina) #1

Now, the view looks like figure 10-12.

Figure 10- 12 Change placeholder to “iOSRE”

Great! placeholderText is exactly the placeholder we’re looking for. To avoid confusion,

hereafter we will refer to placeholder as placeholderText. So far, we have taken the first step in a

long march. Well done!

10.2.3 Find the 1st data source of placeholderText using IDA and LLDB

placeholderText is a property. To modify a property, our first reaction is to use its setter.

We have already changed placeholderText from “Text Message” to “iOSRE” by calling

setPlaceholderText:, does MobileSMS also call this setter to change placeholderText? To verify

our guesses, we need the help of IDA and LLDB.

Since CKMessageEntryTextView comes from ChatKit, our next focus should turn to

framework ChatKit in process MobileSMS, can you get it? OK, drag and drop ChatKit into IDA.

After the initial analysis, locate to [CKMessageEntryTextView setPlaceholderText:], as shown in

figure 10-13.

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