Microsoft Word - iOSAppReverseEngineering.docx

(Romina) #1

Figure 10- 67 Branch

The branch condition R0 comes from the return value of the 2nd objc_msgSend. Search

upwards, we can find R5 in figure 10-60; it’s determining if the iMessage “hasContent” again.

Therefore, branch right and arrive at figure 10-68.

Figure 10- 68 Branch

This is an informative figure. If you look close, you’ll discover that most objc_msgSends are

just refreshing UI, making the last objc_msgSend, i.e. [R4 sendMessage:R2] more eye-catching.

What’s R4 and R2? Look upwards, you’ll see they’re CKTranscriptController and the argument

of [self sendComposition:], respectively. Let’s continue analyzing from [CKTranscriptController

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