Microsoft Word - iOSAppReverseEngineering.docx

(Romina) #1
frame #0: 0x33235944 IMCore`___lldb_unnamed_function2048$$IMCore

  • 0x33235944: push {r4, r5, r6, r7, lr}
    0x33235946: add r7, sp, #12
    0x33235948: push.w {r8, r10, r11}
    0x3323594c: sub.w r4, sp, #64
    (lldb) po $r3
    <IMChat 0x147c7f30> [Identifier: [email protected] GUID:
    iMessage;-;[email protected] Persistent ID: [email protected] Account:
    26B3EC90-783B-4DEC-82CF-F58FBBB22363 Style: - State: 0 Participants: 1 Room Name:
    (null) Display Name: (null) Last Addressed: (null) Group ID: (null) Unread Count: 0
    Failure Count: 0]
    (lldb) p/x $lr
    (unsigned int) $27 = 0x3323646f

LR without offset is 0x3323646f – 0xa1b2000 = 0x2908446F, which is located inside

[IMChatRegistry _registerChat:isIncoming:guid:]. Keep tracing the caller:

Process 248623 stopped
* thread #1: tid = 0x3cb2f, 0x3323644c IMCore`___lldb_unnamed_function2049$$IMCore,
queue = ', stop reason = breakpoint 20.1
frame #0: 0x3323644c IMCore`___lldb_unnamed_function2049$$IMCore

  • 0x3323644c: push {r4, r5, r7, lr}
    0x3323644e: add r7, sp, #8
    0x33236450: sub sp, #8
    0x33236452: movw r1, #9840
    (lldb) po $r2
    <IMChat 0x15972f20> [Identifier: [email protected] GUID:
    iMessage;-;[email protected] Persistent ID: [email protected] Account:
    26B3EC90-783B-4DEC-82CF-F58FBBB22363 Style: - State: 0 Participants: 1 Room Name:
    (null) Display Name: (null) Last Addressed: (null) Group ID: (null) Unread Count: 0
    Failure Count: 0]
    (lldb) p/x $lr
    (unsigned int) $30 = 0x33237173

LR without offset is 0x33237173 – 0xa1b2000 = 0x29085173, which is located inside

[IMChatRegistry chatForIMHandle:]. Meanwhile, the 1st argument of [IMChatRegistry

_registerChat:isIncoming:guid:], i.e. IMChat, is from R5; at the end of [IMChatRegistry

chatForIMHandle:], R5 appears as the return value. In other words, [IMChatRegistry

chatForIMHandle:] returns an IMChat object! Further more, as the name suggests,

IMChatRegistry is a class for registering chats, so getting an IMChat object from this class is

quite reasonable. Old questions go, new questions come: How do we get an IMChatRegistry

object and the argument of chatForIMHandle:? Let’s get to them one by one, starting from


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