Microsoft Word - iOSAppReverseEngineering.docx

(Romina) #1

Figure 10- 98 iMessage delivered

10.4 Result Interpretation

Compared to previous practices, the reverse engineering methodology used in this chapter

doesn’t change much, but the overall workload has increased tremendously; As for difficulty,

this chapter is way harder than chapter 7 and 8, though they’re all targeting system Apps. To

reverse the functions of detecting and sending iMessages, our general thoughts are as follows.

  1. Cut into the code via UI

The changing from “Text Message” to “iMessage”, green color to blue color, and “Send”

button itself are all UI visualizations produced by programs. As long as we can describe what we

see on UI, we can cut into the App from there. In this chapter, our cut-in points are message

placeholder and “Send” button. Their UI functions can be easily located with Cycript, and are

helpful in further analysis.

  1. Browse and test class-dump headers to find interesting dots

Objective-C headers are clearly organized, methods are explicitly named. Their high

readability is the perfect place for us to look for reverse engineering clues. Testing private

methods, properties and instance variables with Cycript can be really helpful when we want to

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