Microsoft Word - iOSAppReverseEngineering.docx

(Romina) #1

10.5.5 Test with Cycript

Compile and install the tweak, then ssh into iOS and execute the following commands:

FunMaker-5:~ root# cycript - p MobileSMS
cy# [UIApp madridStatusForAddress:@"[email protected]"]
cy# [UIApp sendMadridMessageToAddress:@"[email protected]" withText:@"Sent from

The madrid status of “[email protected]” is 1, indicating it supports iMessage; plus

the iMessage is sent and delivered like silk, as shown in figure 10-99.

Figure 10- 99 iMessage sent

If you’ve been so far, feel free to iMessage me at “[email protected]” with

iOSREMadridMessenger and share your joy :)

10.6 Conclusion

Being one of the key services since iOS 5, iMessage is greatly enhanced in iOS 8. Whether

it’ s plain text, image, audio, or even video, iMessage can handle them all. Although detecting

and sending iMessages is only a tip of iceberg in all iMessage operations, we’ve switched among

IDS, ChatKit and IMCore, as well felt the high complexity of the entire iMessage service.

According to our analysis, the class in charge of iMessage accounts is IMAccountController; the

class of iMessage accounts is IMAccount; recipient class is IMHandle; a message conversation is

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