Strategic Human Resource Management

(Barry) #1
Section Two

contradiction may require more complex descriptions of
baseball teams in Sonnenfeld and Peiperl’s typology. Even
without considering prospectors, within the baseball team
quadrant itself, law firms and CPA firms do indeed have high
turnover, but typically it is confined mainly to the lower levels.
The employees at the higher levels, partners, have very low
turnover as they are frequently able to reap the financial
rewards of managing the efforts of junior professionals.

Academy. Academies are somewhat of a hybrid in that they
are both product innovators and competitors in long-run
production roles. They attempt to exploit niches in the
marketplace. Types of companies in this category include
manufacturers of electronics, pharmaceuticals, consumer prod-
ucts, and automobiles. Texas Instruments is an example of a
successful academy. The personnel policies of the academy,
which follows a focused strategy, fall between the two
extremes of clubs and baseball teams. In this category, there is
substantial emphasis on development but some outsiders are
hired to fill higher-level positions. These companies both
“make” and “buy” human resources. There are extensive career
paths within the companies themselves. Performance appraisal
tends to emphasize process.^84 Although the personnel policies
of these companies differ, they are consistent with their
companies’ overall strategies.

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