Strategic Human Resource Management

(Barry) #1
Section Six

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The ninth and final component of the conceptual framework is
human resource evaluation. With the increasing emphasis
placed on strategic contribution, competitiveness, and cost
control, there has been a greater need to justify the existence
of human resource practices, activities, and programs. As will
be noted in this section, the evaluation of human resource
programs has not been a high priority in most organizations.
Nonetheless, evaluation will be more important in the future
because of the increased need to demonstrate efficient
utilization of resources. The previous section presented
evidence from the literature on the impact of human resource
practices and systems of such practices on overall firm
performance. This section will explain how to conduct such
evaluations of practices and systems. It will deal with several
aspects of evaluation, beginning with an overview and a
description of different analytical approaches. The section will
discuss approaches for evaluating the strategic contributions of
traditional human resource areas as well as emerging areas.
Author’s Note: Although this section draws on many sources, the numerous works of
Anne Tsui and Luis Gomez-Mejia were particularly helpful in its development and are
cited several times. Similarly, Wayne Cascio’s and Irwin Goldstein’s works on the
evaluation of training were also particularly helpful and are cited several times. Those
readers desiring to learn more about evaluation are referred to the extensive works by
these authors.

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