- Answers to Exercises 285
15 A Glimpse of Complexity and Cryptogra-
15.2 Classical cryptography
15.2.2. Leta 1 a 2 ...anbe the key andb 1 b 2 ...bnthe plain text. Caligula
intercepts one message whose bits area 2 ⊕b 1 ,a 3 ⊕b 2 ,...an⊕bn− 1 , and
another message whose bits area 1 ⊕b 1 ,a 2 ⊕b 2 ,...,an⊕bn. (The second
message is one bit longer, which may give him a hint of what happened.)
He can compute the binary sum of the first bits, second bits, etc. So he
gets (a 2 ⊕b 1 )⊕(a 1 ⊕b 1 )=a 1 ⊕a 2 ,(a 3 ⊕b 2 )⊕(a 2 ⊕b 2 )=a 2 ⊕a 3 , etc.
Now he guesses thata 1 = 0; since he knowsa 1 ⊕a 2 , he can computea 2 ,
then similarlya 3 , and so on, until he gets the whole key. It may be that
his initial guess was wrong, which he notices, since in trying to decode the
message he gets garbage; but then he can try outa 1 = 1, and recover the
key. One of the two guesses will work.
15.2.3. Leta 1 a 2 ...anbe the key and letb 1 b 2 ...bnandc 1 c 2 ...cnbe the
two plain texts. Caligula intercepts one message whose bits area 1 ⊕b 1 ,a 2 ⊕
b 2 ,...an⊕bn, and another message whose bits area 1 ⊕c 1 ,a 2 ⊕c 2 ,...,an⊕cn.
As before, he computes the binary sum of the first bits, second bits, etc.,
to get (a 1 ⊕b 1 )⊕(a 1 ⊕c 1 )=b 1 ⊕c 1 ,(a 2 ⊕b 2 )⊕(a 2 ⊕c 2 )=b 2 ⊕c 2 , etc.
The rest is not as straightforward as in the previous exercise, but suppose
that Caligula can guess part of (say) Arthur’s message (signature, or ad-
dress, or the like). Then, since he knows the bit-by-bit binary sum of the
two messages, he can recover the corresponding part of Bela’s message.
With luck, this is not a full phrase, and it contains part of a word. Then
he can guess the rest of the word, and this gives him a few more letters
of Arthur’s message. With luck, this suggests some more letters of Bela’s
message, etc.
This is not completely straightforward, but typically it gives enough infor-
mation to decode the messages (as World War II codebreakers learned).
One important point: Caligula canverifythat his reconstruction is correct,
since in this case both messages must turn out to be meaningful.
15.3 How to Save the Last Move in Chess
15.3.1. Alice can easily cheat: She can send just a random stringxin
the evening, figure out her move overnight, along with the stringythat
encodes it, and send the binary sum ofxandyas the alleged key.
15.3.2. This certainly eliminates the cheating in the previous exercise,
since if she changes her mind, the “key” she computes back from the mes-