Index 289
indirect proof, 37, 90, 92, 93, 142,
159, 192
induction, 25–31, 41, 44, 53, 61,
66, 68, 69, 71, 90, 98,
114, 129, 144, 183, 198,
203, 208
simultaneous, 70
induction hypothesis, 27, 29, 53,
68, 98, 145, 198, 203,
integer part, 15
intersection of sets, 6
irrational number, 92
isomorphic, 146
Kempe, A.B., 206
key of cryptosystem, 242
private, 247
public, 248
Kirkman, T.P., 228
K ̈onig, D., 166, 169
K ̈onigsberg bridges, 136
Kruskal’s Algorithm, 159
labeled tree, 146, 148
Lam, C.W.H., 220
Latin square, 229–232
orthogonal, 230
Law of Large Numbers, 77, 80
Law of Small Numbers, 83
Law of Very Large Numbers, 83
least common multiple, 99
line at infinity, 218
logarithm, 15, 31, 32, 37–40, 56,
59–62, 95, 102
loop, 126
Lucas numbers, 74
magic square, 230
Maple, 122, 246
Marriage Theorem, 169, 223
matching, 165–178
greedy, 172
perfect, 165
Mathematica, 122
Miller–Rabin test, 121
minimal criminal, 90
modular arithmetic, 109
modulus, 105
multigraph, 126, 207
multiple, 87
node, 126
adjacent, 126
degree, 127, 166, 171, 176,
203, 207, 210
father, 142
neighbors, 126
son, 143
noisy channel, 232
one-time pad, 242
one-to-one correspondence, 14,
P ́olya, G., 155
Pascal’s Triangle, 49, 77
Pascal, Blaise, 49
password, 246
path, 130
augmenting, 173
endpoints, 131
length, 131
permutation, 17
Petersen graph, 139, 195
Pigeonhole Principle, 35, 37, 114,
202, 230, 240
plain text, 242
planar code, 153
planar graph,seegraph, planar
planar map, 189, 205, 206, 210
affine, 218
coordinates, 219
order, 218
Euclidean, 211, 219
Fano, 211, 221, 224, 236
projective, 217
order, 217
Tictactoe, 213, 221, 224